Download elden ring best build
Download elden ring best build

download elden ring best build

Equip Marika’s Hammer as your main weapon.What the Marika’s Hammer Build excels in:

download elden ring best build

The build will have a great variety of incantations to use as well as it will be a mix of Faith and Strength in this build. The hammer can have B strength scaling at +10 with the added benefit of C scaling in Faith. Marika’s Hammer is one amazing weapon, and since you will be killed by it multiple times, you can enjoy this weapon as well. Hopefully, Radagon won’t mind if you use the hammer.

  • Use the Cerulean Hidden Tear in the Wondrous Physick to eliminate all FP consumption for a time and the Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear to increase damage from magic attacks.
  • Use Radagon Icon to reduce spell cast time.
  • Use the Moon of Nokstella for 2 more spell slots.
  • Use the Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman for extra damage negation.
  • Use the Magic Scorpion Charm for extra magic damage.
  • You can also add Terra Magica to increase magic strength for players within the sigil.
  • As spells, use the Collapsing Stars spell, Gravity Well, Rock Sling, Meteorite, and Meteorite of Astel as there are only 5 Gravity Spells, with 2 meteorite spells.
  • I would recommend using the Radhan set as you will be cosplaying Radhan, but all in all, armor is up to you.
  • download elden ring best build

    Use the meteorite staff in your left hand and the Starscrouge Greatsword.The staff that you will use deals extra meteorite damage.With the weapon art, it can deal massive damage.With Radhan being one tough boss, and his weapon being able to deal massive damage, why not use that sword yourself? This build will be able to obliterate enemies from near and far, as it will be an intelligence/strength hybrid build.

    Download elden ring best build